martes, 22 de abril de 2008

...also openly lesbian ...

Sometimes, it only reaches the edges rejoicing
hat produces a lesbian dance but that does not compromise biographical data in making his party ... There are personalities who are considered the main victims of femicide Universal, much more than anonymous butchered, massacred, slashed and dead sticks ... Some people do not want to be campaign banner for battered women ... But what we really need is to Tracy Chapman, Rossie O'Donnell, Sandra Mihanovich, Ellen Degeneres, Martina Navratilova, Portia Rossi,and others women from the podium of fame sympathized with her sisters giving meat, beats, identity, name and surname to their status as homosexuals ... We do not need the group TATU, these Russian schoolgirls who were kissed on screens around the globe, nor need the tested kiss with Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera .... In the times, declared lesbian is not a private but a political fact ... At lesbians were not seen, nor are they listening, or are recognized on their merits and talents beyond the narrow walls of the militant groups, and this invisibility promotes ignorance, stigma and discrimination ... Discrimination much more fierce suffering of the homosexual men, a discrimination that women will go back when relevant in any order assume their status publicly ... We must respect the right of a woman to silence his homosexuality, even deny it, recognize it implies both a significant cost, but we should not accept the argument that "refers to privacy" because it is a subterfuge to silence and scorn " personal issues "only when those who live is homosexual ...We know with hair and signals the lovers of any President, the operation of any aesthetic ruling, the romance between ministers, the trunks of any judge and divorces any Prosecutor ... There is not a danger: They are heterosexual .... But when two progressive intellectuals were proposed to make a film that would about the sexuality of a poetess, homophobic cultural elite not rest until prevent ... It is not intended that the sexuality of any person becomes the key fact of its existence, only claims not hide as a shameful fact, it is not ... Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz was a consecrated religious, a woman of prodigious intellect, the first Latin American feminist, beautiful, courageous ... and also a lesbian. His love reciprocated by Maria Luisa Manrique de Lara, Marquise de la Laguna, Countess de Paredes, it is a fact of history .... Gabriela Mistral remains the only woman speaking Spanish Nobel Prize for Literature, who then fifty years was known what she talk from the same tomb, the deep bond that joined Doris Dana, his partner, his wife, his heir Universal, who wrote "I want end you and I want to die in your arms" ... As if lesbianism might mess, damage, pork the life and work of someone, "machismo" is responsible for enclose these data in a secret level, while multiplying on television "faces" that promote gender roles through asymmetric on the screen ... The abusers are not only with their fists and brute force, violence also express their "macho" away and attacked the women with their words and gestures, even better if they can do so with impunity from the media, in the absence of opponents discuss their position, without requiring citizens responsibility for their sayings, in the cowardly limbo of a monologue that promotes sexual stereotypes discriminatory ... Not complete, only think that a woman who refuses to marital fidelity, the servitude of the husband, to the enslavement of the family, heterosexuality as revealed truth, is a whore, an evil, subversive, crazy and a "marimacha" ... But while we support this, and we look forward to some famous decided to break this circle oppressive lesbian declare our manifesto, as we recognize so-marxist, mapuches, feminists, palestinian, irakíes, unconditional favour of pleasure and desire, environmentalists, antimperialists, democrats , humanists, agnostics, atheistic, poets and revolutionary -all political qualities-, and we are also openly lesbian ...

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