lunes, 21 de julio de 2008

Habrá un Spin-Off de The L Word

Buenas Noticias! Como habíamos anticipado anteriormente, habrá una 6ta temporada en el 2009 de The L Word, que sería la última. No obstante, según la web de AfterEllen, Ilene Chaiken estaría trabajando en un Spin-Off (o sea una continuación o extensión de la serie basada en uno de los personajes de The L Word).

En el último episodio de la 6ta todas las tramas de los personajes se cerrarán y resolverán MENOS UNO (¿quién será?) Y sobre la vida de este personaje es que se hará una continuación.

Deberíamos preguntarnos cuáles de las chicas quedarán emparejadas y cuáles no. Y de las que se quedan solas, quién de ellas tiene una personalidad interesante como para dar tela a que se haga una futura serie basada en ella. Ahi les dejo la intriga :D

Fuente: AfterEllen

sábado, 19 de julio de 2008

Selma Blair y sus enamoradizas amigas

La actriz, protagonista del famoso beso con Sarah Michelle Gellar en 'Crueles Intenciones', está "sorprendida" por todas las amigas lesbianas que se han enamorado de ella. Selma insiste en que nunca ha tenido una experiencia homosexual en su vida real, aunque en el cine se haya besado con otras mujeres, según ha declarado a la revista 'Playboy'. "Cuando amigas mías lesbianas me dicen que se han enamorado de mí después de años de amistad me quedo en estado de 'shock'". El año pasado, Salma reveló que había estado ensayando sus escenas de sexo lésbico con la actriz de la serie 'Héroes' Stana Katic: "Las dos ensayamos la escena, miramos la cama, nos miramos la una a la otra y nos fuimos hacia ella".


lunes, 14 de julio de 2008

Britney y Madonna de nuevo juntas en un video

Afirman que el video será muy controvertido

Si pensabas que el beso que Madonna y Britney Spears se dieron durante la entrega de los premios MTV del 2003 no era apto para menores de edad, reportes indican que el nuevo video que ambas harán juntas será aún más atrevido.

El video se proyectará durante la próxima gira mundial de Madonna, y el diario británico The Sun reveló que las cantantes se despojarán lentamente de las pequeñas prendas de piel con las que están ataviadas en el video.

Una fuente cercana al set de grabación dijo: "Es absolutamente la clásica Madonna. Probablemente el material más sensual que haya hecho. No deja nada a la imaginación y será muy controvertido".

"Britney y Madonna aparecerán juntas casi desnudas, sólo vestidas con un pequeño short de piel y unas botas altas. Las dos bailan muy cerca la una de la otra, presionando sus manos y sus cuerpos"

Las escenas del video se realizan en un estudio de Hollywood, y se ha especulado que el video refleja la intención de Madonna de catapultar el relanzamiento de la carrera musical de Britney Spears.


hummm pues no se si va a catapultar la carrera de Britney pero de que van a levantar más temperatura que el agujero de ozono, eso seguro. Y me pregunto que excusa le pondrá esta vez Madonna a su hija Lourdes, que anteriormente le había dicho que besó a Britney sólo para "transmitirle su energía" :=D

sábado, 5 de julio de 2008

Les Passages, a lesbian film

Imagine a film where Mary-Louise Parker and Julie Delpy play lovers. Now imagine a film where Mary-Louise Parker and Julie Delpy play lovers in Paris.

Now imagine a film where Mary-Louise Parker and Julie Delpy play lovers in Paris that you wouldn't have to imagine — because it is actually in the works.

The film Les Passages, from first-time feature writer-director Donna Vermeer, is currently in pre-production. The synopsis, as posted on the movie's website, says that it follows a New York filmmaker named Catherine as she flees the Big Apple for Paris with her photographer daughter, Claire (not yet cast). There she begins to film an American movie because the City of Light reminds her of the New Jersey suburbs of her youth. I think that's probably the meanest thing anyone has ever said about Paris. In between filming she meets French actress Anna (Delpy), who winds up playing her mother in her movie. Their encounter “sets her life, and heart, on another course.” Hello, swoon.

Now, filming hasn't started and this is very much an independent project, so who knows if it will ever really start. But with those stars attached and such potential swoony romanticism ahead, I think we should all use the power of positive thinking and make this dream come true.

Fuente: AfterEllen

El canal de Elite Lesbiana en Youtube

Y llegamos a más de 100.000 visitantes en el blog ! woww, se va agrandando el sitio con más de 300 visitas por día, increíble ^_^
Y todo gracias a ustedes, que nos visitan diariamente, y siguen con atención las publicaciones de este modesto blog lésbico.
Estoy encantada que compartan junto con nosotras cada noticia, ya sean faranduleras, o de temas más serios como sexualidad o activismo de la comunidad lesbiana, ya que como siempre intentamos matizar las publicaciones poniendo un poco de cada cosa.

Les cuento que ahora tienen a su disposición nuestra cuenta de videos en Youtube por si desean subscribirse. Allí encontrarán todos los videos que están subidos en este blog.

La dirección es:

Un beso a todas ^_^ A las que nos acompañan hace mucho tiempo; a las que recién llegan, y a las que entran de pasadita solo a curiosear :=D Besazossssssssss

viernes, 4 de julio de 2008

El helado lésbico-gay que refresca el orgullo

Lesbianas y Gays de Barcelona presentaron la semana pasada el primer helado gay con motivo de la celebración del Día del Orgullo Gay y del Orgullo de Madrid que se llevará a cabo este sábado 5 de julio

La empresa badalonesa Bodn, El Gelat Social i Artesa (El Helado Social i Artesano), en la que trabajan discapacitados intelectuales, ha elaborado este helado de crema del tipo italiano con los seis colores de la bandera gay a petición de la organización LGBT Xarxagay.

«Se trata de un helado único y exclusivo para lesbianas y gays que representa su simbología e intereses y además promueve la iniciativa social de nuestra empresa», explica Sebastià Manyosa, el responsable de la empresa que ha elaborado el helado perteneciente a la cooperativa social Coinre.

El helado gay es «muy suave, ligero y refrescante. Te puedes comer dos o tres que no te sientes lleno. Es ideal para refrescarse», asegura el responsable del proyecto.

Con info de 20Minutos
Fuente e imagen: AgMagazine

jueves, 3 de julio de 2008


The successful television actress of the night 'Lord of the Querencia' plays 'Lucrecia Santa Maria' a passionate lesbian women of the early twentieth century demonstrates its desire to coast assumed by whipping in an era that seems difficult not to be so far the current one. But she is happy with this lesbian power, albeit fiction.

It will be your last name or catalan passion that puts him when acting, but Lorena Bosch (29 years) and his character 'Lucrecia Santa Maria' We have fascination. Not only because it is the first time that TV shows to a lesbian away from the canons of marginality, but because this lesbian who should be as recate and covered a woman from the beginning of the century, is very erotic and playful, wants other women and not pretending when he likes some girl. Calm, everything is fiction.

'Some of my friends lesbians in real life, by claiming that. I say' we are not all harassment as well as Lucrecia, 'but I find that the great Lucrecia is thus uncovered, showing that not only they are capable of feeling desire and pleasure, 'strikes with an air of sweetness in anything that resembles this' bigeye 'Lucrecia that looks black in these days with so much whiplash and Prejudice' to the Chilean 'in the teleseries Night TVN.
Lorena, the real, said he wanted to be interviewed by our environment. He was told the Antonia Santa Maria actress, who posed for RSmagazine, the first lesbian magazine printed in Chile. 'I told the Antonia: Chis! I should go in that home,' he says. To 'get' in his character even read articles of RS and was all the seasons of the series 'The L Word,' which he confesses he likes.
'I figured that the character would draw attention, but I did not think that would cause so much attention!' Says not yet convinced that starts when you confidences sighs of some viewers.
In the cover of RSMagazine wanted to question the term 'fashion' and apparently the teleseries, inadvertently, manages to convey this historical basis that lesbians have been present at all times and places Do what you think of that?
It is that I think today there is more to uncover in lesbianism. Homosexuality was uncovered much sooner. In fact, women after the first war, also see that there may be certain licenses, there is a rebellion of women, but unfortunately is castrated with the return of conservatism. The 'Lucrecia' is very passionate for his time ...
Is that Lucrecia has many desires. To me when I raised the character, I said I wanted it to be playful well, that look with front very active in their desires. But it is fresh-fresh, you love women. It is quite common that fewer women go straight and say things she likes, but she does not, he wanted to give this wave character.
In what direction your character is key in the teleseries?
She bankruptcy conservatism in Querencia, is to generate a disorder in the environment. They reach these women more liberal and more loose and create this need to discover other environments.
Your mom in the teleseries have said that a 'disease' and beyond that is aggressive for some viewers, giving up laughing ...
It is clear that, had all that Freudian theory that lesbianism was an illness. The character of my mom is free thinkers, is not counting on conservatism and clear, coming from Paris and arriving with another wave. However, faced with the Lucrecia because she tries to hide it. If you do not ocult both Lucrecia, mom would take more naturally, does not fall profile.
And what did you do in the scenes of kissing ...
I never questioned the kisses me with other actresses. For me it was not questioning the gender of which I had to in love. Fortunately, with the actress, Begoña, we are very friendly. It was like 'listen, `gueona´, tomorrow we kisses, ja,ja,' well, what more natural.
What symbols you see in that scene where you shout 'I like women!'?
It's like saying 'I understand I have a different look to you,' is an act of rebellion and search for understanding, is like saying 'stop, let me not try to mold'.
What do you think of people who think that to interpret a lesbian must be a lesbian?
I think that in life one interprets roles, represents human behaviour. If so could not do any role. Of course, it would be wrong if I were homophobic. Just one feels a responsibility when you are going to represent something, just had some concern, because he did not want to offend anyone. But that has not happened.
Does the theme of lesbianism sells?
Sells everything that generates curiosity and above all, lesbianism is very attractive to women and men.
Why you liked so much that The L Word?
It's that I see in this series a quota of 'normalcy' in relations, as this is not stupidity 'heterosexualizar' relations, so that asking 'Who made man?'. I see two people in love and the series deals with cotidaniedad.
Do your friends lesbians advised you somehow?
Well, yes, I recommended them books, pages, movies. We had pretty good looking for information!. In fact, I grew up in an environment where there was zero bias to the topic. My mom had gay friends. To me it's part of life that a person can fall in love with the same sex in my house there was never any stigma. In the space of the theater, is more open and homosexualdiad daily.
What do you think of actresses or singers not coming out publicly?
It has to do that in Chilean society is an issue not yet resolved. Perhaps not even be necessary to include a lesbian character on a television. It is complex for people to acknowledge their homosexuality or lesbianism. There are still teachers who lose their jobs when they automatically assume. Very few who have dared.
I suppose you have wondered if not fear being stigmatized after having made this character ...
All the while. I can be stigmatized because of my caps, prostitute ... I like the Lucrecia, because I could play with it in a playful woman, I could talk about the character of what I researched. If I say one day 'you are you made of the lesbian, 'I say' clear, I went. ' In fact, the character is envied by other actresses. There is a challenge because it is a lesbian, but because she, Lucrecia, is very entertaining, nice, naive, becomes how raises its gross lesbianism at that time!.
The synopsis of the television, in any event, with your character, are very different in the day as at night. On the day is not shown nearly the Lucrecia ...
The problem is that goes beyond the television channel. The channel just made a bet with the topic, what happens is that socially yet we can not talk as openly as timetables. Censorship is not the television puts the channel, but the Council TV. Even happens to advertising because there are pre-established rules.
In other television, leaving gays in daytime television ...
It is curiously that gays are more visible, went before. I think that the issue of lesbians is now at night, because it has other edging, other more complex scenes.
So kiss your left at 1 o'clock in the morning!
Nooo (laughs). Even left at 10 o'clock in the evening.
Ultimately, perhaps, backed censorship ...
No, there is that support is, what happens is that I see reality as it is. The sexual themes in this country, are treated after the 10 o'clock in the evening, which is hypocritical anyway.
But not shown before 10, sexuality is not governed in any case ...
Well, if that. But before he did not see much sexuality in the teleseries day, the night the lead in that direction.

Por Erika Montecinos, RS
Fuente: Rompiendo el silencio

Gracias a Liv Kalske por enviar esta entrevista :)

miércoles, 2 de julio de 2008

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson: Sex Roles

LezLo and her gal pal are on the cover of the new issue of Star magazine.

The mag claims that Samantha Ronson plays the 'husband' role in her relationship with Lohan.
An insider tells the mag, "They're totally playing house and loving every minute of it. And, yes, they share a bed!"

The lovebirds reportedly call Samantha's Hollywood Hills house "home" — and behind closed doors, "Lindsay and Sam play certain roles," the source explains. "…Lindsay is the passive one, the wife. It works for them!"
And, according to the mag, the two also shop together for sex toys and have a 'bizarre' pact to stay thin.

Fuente: PerezHilton

RetroLez 12:Los personajes lésbicos de Xena Warrior Princess

La serie Xena Warrior Princess, interpretada por Lucy Lawless (Xena) y Renee O'Connor (Gabrielle) es la que más contenido lésbico ha tenido dentro de su género, superando ampliamente a Hércules que hasta entonces era la serie favorita y estaba en la cima del éxito, allá por el año 1.995-

Los personajes secundarios lésbicos de Xena son muchos pero los más notorios son 3: Najara, interpretada por Kathryn Morris, quien personifica a una guerrera psicópata, convencida de escuchar voces internas que la guiaban a redimir a las personas malas y llevarlas hacia la "luz"del bien, y si no lo conseguía las asesinaba. Najara se enamora de Gabrielle y desata los celos de Xena, con quien se traba en lucha rivalizando por el amor de Gabrielle.
Kathryn Morris
Lao Ma (interpretada por Jacqueline Kim) es una mujer que forma parte en la vida de Xena y la convierte en mejor persona. Logra hacerla despojarse de resentimientos, odios, rencores, y le enseña a vivir mejor, a vaciar su corazón de sentimientos destructivos. Es por eso que se crea un lazo de unión entre ambas y Xena queda eternamente agradecida. En la serie insinúan que además de ser su mentora también fue su amante.
Jacqueline Kim
Brunilda (interpretada por Brittney Powell) conoce a Gabrielle cuando ésta llega a las Tierras Nórdicas siguiendo el rastro de Xena (los episodios de las Valkyrias) y se enamora de Gabrielle.
Este personaje (mi preferido :) es el más lésbico de toda la serie, ya que Brunilda le confiesa su amor a Gabrielle, algo que ni siquiera Xena ni otros personajes han hecho nunca. Brunilda dice frases como "Desafié a mi Dios por tí, Gabrielle" - "Veo que tu corazón pertenece a Xena, pero te demostraré cual de las dos merece tu amor". Brunilda se sacrifica y se convierte en una llama eterna para proteger a Gabrielle hasta que Xena pudiera volver a rescatarla.
Brittney Powell

lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

Kristianna Loken se casa con un hombre

Pues no me sorprende, bien se sabe que esta actriz es bisexual y las bisexuales generalmente cuando terminan una relación con una mujer suelen buscar un hombre. Lo increible es que se haya casado con uno.

¿que dirá Michelle Rodriguez de esto? Hace hace poco las dos eran pareja pero habían terminado su relación y a Michelle se la vio acompañada de muchas otras mujeres.

El casamiento de Kristianna fue bastante gracioso, ya que se casaron en la granja de los padres de su novio -ahora marido-.

Fuente: Perez Hilton